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Announcement: Out to Grass


The time has come, the walrus said.


I’m not exactly a walrus. A walrus is, after all, a mass of blubber, ungainly when moving around on land, barks in an annoying tone, and is generally unloved.


I will think of some differences, however, if you give me long enough.


However, my time as editor of the blog here has come to an end. As of the time of writing this, I don’t know who my replacement is. Whoever it might be, I wish them all the best of luck.


Running this blog has been a lot of fun, and I couldn’t have done it without my valued authors. It would be rash on my part to highlight individuals, as everyone not mentioned will feel left out. In the end, all I’ve done is try to present the work of talented writers as best I can. I’ve said it before, and I’ll doubtless say it again: credit for a good piece of work rightfully goes to the creator of the content – the author; blame for a piece of work that doesn’t come off lies squarely with the editor. The editor needs to understand what the readership wants and ensure that what they get. Any wrong calls are the fault of the editor.

That applies to this blog. Any failings in it have been my fault; credit for the successes go to the authors.


I’ve digressed.


This is really a simple little note to wish my successor the best of luck and to bid you all farewell. It's been a lot of fun.

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